congratulations you made the decision to use a system integrator in implementing your price and software project that's a great decision I'm going to talk about today what the tips should be to make that decision even more effective and reduce the risk so at the end of the project you can look back and be happy with your investment and get the ROI that you expect [Music] my name is Steve Haskin I'm a senior partner manager in the ecosystem at Price FX I've been working in pricing software for over 20 years I've been involved in multiple projects Global implementations in multiple Industries and I've seen a lot of things with system innovators a system integrator is a company and a firm that their sole purpose for existence is to bring together the right skills and people to implement software in your environment to work with your technology stack and ultimately to make sure that all the software you invested in becomes utilized and used in the most effective way important tip make sure that your partner that you choose your system integrator has the experience in the technology that you're hiring them for to implement it seems obvious but a lot of people will use system integrators that perhaps know their environment but not so much the software that they're involved with experience with that software is a key element to make sure that the project stays successful and and there's no uncertainties or reduces the risk and minimizes the uncertainties with the project another tip make sure that the company that you choose to be your system integrator is going to be a partner for a long term this is not just a one and done situation your software needs will evolve with time your requirements for maintenance for the software will revolve with time so you need a partner that is capable has the the coverage to work with your company and to work effectively in long term Beyond when the project goes live another key tip with the system integrators to make sure they have the experience and the knowledge of your environment of your company in the areas of which you want to deploy having that prior based experience will reduce the risk of your project reduce the risk of things that can go wrong and make sure that there's a cultural fit from the beginning of the project so at the end of the project when ongoing needs are going you'll have a partner that knows your problems and knows you make sure your social media partner has the scope and capability to expand when you expand so not only your system integrator can be there in different countries and different regions in different parts of our business prior to actually starting the first project make sure that it's not just a one project but a multiple project success story because at the end of the day people want successful references so in summary you've heard some tips about how best to work with a system integrator and have a successful project is it possible to be successful all along and pop champagne at the end absolutely of course just remember a successful project is a journey the destination is for success for all at the end of the day you want to have a project that you're successful and happy with and you want to have enduring return and investment for all the time and effort that's spent thank you for watching this video on the pricing Channel we make a video like this every week make sure you subscribe and don't forget to like [Music] foreign [Music]