right so you know as we always break down that symbols are very very important yeah because they say a Picture Tells a thousand words so now if I was to put like that on the board what would you say that represents what what comes to mind an X an X right X right check it out though what can you what what words do you use when you use the word X let me give you an example girlfriend that's what I was going to say but yeah exgirlfriend all right what isse what else um X Factor yeah um right see a lot of people will stop there right but what about is it a Target is that a Target you know like when when you want to x marks the spot x marks the spot oh so like pirate yeah okay see the more you look into it you're going to start to see that this x means canceled as well isn't it you're cancelled you're Target and the more you keep going but if I was to do this now check this out what's the difference between that and that that makes me think of like plus addition all right ma Plus yeah you said addition yeah math okay what else what is it though really the math signs in my mind that's that's no no I mean this the symbol the symbol remember what I'm saying like we said this was yeah you're right you said it's a plus yeah but is this all right watch this okay it's a cross see that was that wasn't that obvious to you initially right okay so check this out yeah cross what does cross mean if I cross you you've gone against me I've done gone against you right double cross I double cross you you've gone behind my back right okay now this is exactly the same thing all it is is you've just turned it that way yeah yeah now check this out the cross represents they say forgive my Jean yeah this is somebody on the cross someone died on the cross they nailed on the cross and they died G Jesus as they say or Jus died on the cross all right so when you go to church let's say this is a church again forgive my Janss yeah it's just for Simplicity uh for a couple of Windows in there and you have cross at the top yeah all right and the people inside of here are what mentally dead Okay mentally dead okay then we go to the graveyard somebody dies and they do this yeah you see that a it you've seen that on tombs and stuff so you got people that are dead in here physically you got people that are dead in here mentally yeah why do we say they're dead mentally because of the programming because of the programming right they're not using their own mind they're just thinking and then they programmed to think that someone who died right what what is death according to what you been taught or programmed what is death the end the end I like that you said I put in capitals as well the end you know like at the end of the cartoons in it they say the end Finish done right so if you're dead and that's the end and you're gone how do they still believe that there's a person called Jesus that still exist if he got to the end close chapter end cuz today people will tell you Jesus is still here and you say to them where they say he in the what holy you know what the word holy means anyone most people in in the religions don't even know what that word means I guarantee you yeah we'll see in the comments like before I give the answer how many people are going to tell in fact people are going to still tell you what they think it means yeah but research it it means pure holy pure undiluted yeah ghost cuz when you're at the end they say a dead person is a ghost yeah but they say he's still here as a holy ghost a pure ghost that's why when you look at the word that the people that are mentally dead that believe somebody can die and come to an end but still exist as a pure ghost or Holy Ghost use something called what the Holy Bible Bible what does the word holy mean pure okay what does the word b Bible means not sure okay the word bible is derived from the word Babel do you know what Babble means no but it makes me think of like Babylon it does it actually comes from that word Babylon or babyon but babul in English means someone who's just talking babbling okay yeah they're just babbling so you're talking to someone it's like they ain't talking sense cuz they're me dead and they're just babbling and then the word bible comes from the word Babble or as you said bab I put it over here ilun because ilun bab or bab bab ilun which is the Sumerian when you start to get into the suian doctrine where the word the Holy Bible was taken from right ilun or ilun ilun L is the most most high god of the Sumerian Doctrine or like you said they said Babylon yeah Babylon and then you hear people my spelling might be a bit off but I think that's correct Babylon or by this book was written by a person called bill by Bill by Bill now the word bill is very important in it especially in the English language because the person who co-wrote the Bible is William Shakespeare and he actually co-signs it in the Bible I think in the um if you counted like 46 lines down and the 46th word um I can't remember the chapter but I'm sure people tell you it's William Shakespeare because the word Bill if you're American you might not understand when I go the old Bill who's the old Bill the pop the po police the old bill yeah and might need some more space let's go up here right so just kind of make a bit of clean space I'm I'm might have to wipe it but I need to keep it so people can kind of connect the dots yeah the holy bill or we say the old Bill the old bill is the police because when you start to deal with where the the system that they use to enforce the the spell SP right again spell because the word spell it's all to deal with words cuz you say we add a ing SP and the S plural for spellings because the words confuse people especially if you don't know the language yeah so you're not seeing how the spell is being casted so when you said the old Bill you're dealing with the what they call the penal system and I'm going to I'm going to tie it all in now the penal system the the P you said Paul and Pope just now you were you were right because the there's something called the five PS yeah let me just move this out the way a little bit so we can get a bit more come up right the the um the penal system is part of the 5 PS of penal deals with like police as we were saying yeah the P police P know system yeah like you said Pope Pope because the the the Holy Bible comes from the Catholic church because it was originally started with the person they refer to as Paul yeah keep keep not other the PE yeah cuz when you're dealing with these PS or we call them the five PS it's it's coming from something called the code of hamurabi right people can research This research this code the code of hamurabi because that deals with what they call the five PS which is dealing with the polytheism polytheism is like this having more than one God and religion um then you have um I already said the penal system polytheism um psychology um philosophy um what's the other one of acid five penal psychology philosophy pantheism and um polytheism right so those are the five PS and this is why it's used to enforce this this what people call the 666 which is dealing with what they call the mark of the beast because when you look at this word po if I was to write that e like that you can actually turn the p upside down and then so you'll have like P if you turn that like invert it yeah and if you look at the the the e that's kind of a six as well yeah um you know people like I they're going to think conspiracy theory but when you start to go into it and look at it it's all because this cross check this out they say the whole story about Jesus dying on the cross they call it what a cruci fiction yeah yeah what you hear is fiction it's a lie it's a story it's not true so it's really the cross the cross fixion even though they say crucifixion why because it didn't happen it didn't really happen he nobody was crucified on the cross called Jesus that removed the sins from the world and now now everyone's still sinning anyway and this is what we call a spell so just starting with two basic symbols yeah um like when you look at it that way as a cross and you look at it that way you might not recognize it but check this out one more before we round off now same same thing again but just imagine yeah I take the ends and I turn them so I just bend bend the ends a little bit Yeah so imagine I took the ends and I just snap that one that way snap that one that way snap that now what is this Nazi symbol Nazi symbol yeah see the SWAT sticker that's what they call it and when you start to look at who was pushing that symbol Hitler right there you go Hitler was influenced by these plans from Al Deon you know the the extraterrestrials and Hitler was actually a re incarnation of one of the 200 Fallen Angels called Hitler spelled like this see the English language again right the a e you can still hear a because cuz the vowels in the English language when you study it are all a that's why you can take any word that has a or or or or a e i o and u yeah these are vows yeah any one of these can replace the a but you might not know that you know so let's give a few example so if you took a word like um a me yeah or are men even are mean um all of these words actually come from the word are moon cu the you you can see the vows being replaced yeah a i e and this is why at the end of every religious well the monotheistic religions prayers in they say Amen or even ohain in the Hebrew and the thing is as well yeah these can be spelled differently like with a e or or I let's say for example the word Elohim yeah everyone hears that ELO and you can spell it like this Elohim or you can spell it or ELO as some people say ELO and you can spell it like that Elohim see Elohim sometimes I want to wipe everything off it's just it's like you feel like you should just wipe it off but I want to leave it because when we summarize the video you can kind of see I all adds up so these Elohim because the word I am in the Hebrew it's a Yim right which makes it plural and so you have ELO yeah I'm going to come up over here a bit I need more space so does the spelling change the meaning of the word yes okay exactly and this is why people are lost because of the spellings and they're under a spell yes and if you were to go right the the monotheistic religions being Islam Christianity and Judaism they all say amen amen mean orain at the end of their prayers which all comes from the ancient Egyptian deity am because this is where where it originates from because this predates all of these ones yeah so now English I'm sorry um the spell now we speak English but if you were to speak to a Christian who deals with like the New Testament they will tell you that it's in Greek m you speak to people that follow the Old Testament they will say Hebrew you speak to the Muslims they will say Arabic is God's language right but check this out if you were to do this put a yeah can you see that yeah yeah a put e on the side and then you go a l you go e l then you go Allah and here you're going to go ELO just a line through them and then like I said these are singular yeah and here you can say Allah hum again remember I say when they spell there could be one M two M's or you can say um a a lot but this this means um plural and the same here you can do the same you say ELO him or as I said before you can spell it with the EO like like that but as you go down it starts to build a picture of EA going that way or I was the name of one of the sons of and known as enki cuz you got enki and en and en wherever you see the names that end with e l like Daniel or Ezekiel or any names of L these were the be that were under the ELO or that being known as um en and all the other sides where you see the words that end with a way like or J like Elijah um all those were in Alliance with eny cuz the two brothers were at War so and and they as I said are these extraterrestrials that came here to instill this spell on people and today A lot of people are following symbols that are dealing with being mentally dead in the church cuz you're being programmed and you're under a spell the ghost listen to this the ghost with yeah ghost spell ghost spell what do they call it the gospel yeah but again they will just say gospel but they can't hear it it's the ghost spell the spell that you're worshiping a ghost who is somebody that was here apparently who died on the cross because they say the final breath was and then he it left him right so they but they still worshiping this ghost and they're in the church calling on ghost because it's not only Jesus that died and became a ghost when you have a cemetery full of dead people who have ghosts that are roaming around the church then the people inside here that are mentally dead are calling on these ghosts they come in and possess them and this is where you see them start to foam in the mouth and they yeah they catch the Holy Ghost and they're on the floor Andis exorcism and all of that you see so it's a very serious thing and it's a real thing that's happening even to today where they even tell you that um the day of the Pentecost right which is where they say that these these beings came and basically um that's where it started from if you go back to the the books in the books of Acts in the Bible talking about the you know the day of the um yeah so this this Penta again deals with five remember I was saying about the five PS and the pentagram ties into when you start to look at um you know the symbol that they use for baam it that they [Music] call the goat of Mendes deals with the five PS and sorry my my my star is not that great but you can see the five PS can I ask where the name b came from yeah actually that's a excellent question the word bamet comes from Muhammad yeah and a lot again this is what I'm saying people don't know this like because whether you're a Muslim or a Christian you all fall under Abraham yeah and Abraham is the person that these anunaki picked as their man on the planet yeah so when you say baet like this is why if you look at every map yeah sorry every um not M what you call flag every flag of a country that the So-Cal um beast or the you know the system that's running at the moment with illum every country they have a fivepoint star on their Flags but there are two main stars when you deal with stars yeah you have a six-pointed star and you have a five-pointed star to ask yourself why do all the flags have five-pointed stars go back and look at any country's flag that has stars on it you're going to see fivepoint star or a six-point star because this relates back to the sons of Canon I don't want to go go off like too much but the sons of Canon are these canonitas possessed by these beings and this is why if you add up five plus six you get 11 cuz they there were 11 sons of Canon yeah or they call them the Canaanites or the Canaanites and this is why they all have to have a fivepoint start or sixo start with the six-pointed star there were two six-pointed stars again you might not notice that going back to what we're talking about the symbols because you have an interlocking six-pointed star it'll be hard for me to draw it but it's the one where you would see that like this would be over supposed to like the one that you're seeing there and the interlocking um 6.8 star goes to the people they call the Jews or jebusites really cuz again that's another trick because they take the word um jebusites and say Jew to try and tie in with the word Judah which was one of the 11 Sons right but um of you know the the tribes of Israel the 12 tribes of Israel were they say and Judah was one of those that survived all the rest were destroyed there were two that were left over Judah and Dan but like I said that's kind going off topic a bit but yeah I just wanted to um so recap when you you look at a symbol like a cross and then you have say in the Nation of Islam you know like maram X yeah they took on these words because they were saying that because they are like the names they were given were slave names so because they didn't know their real name when they were like waking up changing their name they said instead of taking on the slave master's name I would just say x for unknown cuz I don't know so this why you get like you know markam X and all the people that were using the X but x marks a spot X is a target X means you're cancelled you know X is like I said ex-girlfriend it's over X Factor just the same thing they do when you look at the word you know black and white where they make everything black synonymous with being bad or evil and then everything white synonymous with being good or pure and then say that we are black people even though you can see I'm clearly Brown and this is black and then they say other people are white people and they're not white because this is why yeah so everyone is a shade of brown from dark to light but really it's a game trick on these extraterrestrial aliens that are okay why are they doing all of this they feed off of the energy of your what you're doing on the planet so and they recycle you over and over and over again so they can keep feeding off of your energy so a lot of the times the only way to escape it is to be able to rise above that like in terms of your energy field and resonate higher so that you can leave it but if you they keep putting these spells in front of you so you will never Elevate past where they want to keep you dumb that so they will give you things like dumb food to eat dumb activities to do everything dumb so that you remain mentally dead because really your mental or your mind is what's going to help you elevate above all of what they the traps that they're setting for you and then you you waste your time you waste your time on drugs and then you and you waste your time on not having a purpose you waste your time being idle which means that you're not doing anything because you're hoping that someone's going to come and what save you and because this person died for your sins so you can keep in all day long and then just wait for this person to come and save you that's never going to happen so all that does is it's designed to make you again we're running out of space well we fit it in Idol yeah I'm I'm when I explain things I scribble I like to I'm a I'm a dood as they call it just like Idol sorry ideally but then they play on words and say Idol again remember the e a e i o u this is so important when you study languages see the E and the O can to change right so they make you Idol meaning you're wasting your life and wasting your time you're going to like feel a the world is so bad I can't get anywhere then you might start drinking alcohol or smoking reath or like you know what I mean taking harder drugs you don't care about anything you get you know what I mean just want to be on road be a bully just waste your life and then you could end up in jail or end up in a hospital where they all they doing is being what hospitable to you they're not there to cure you it's just like they just deal with the system um the symptoms which means they just put a plaster on it because the whole point of that industry is that if we give you a cure you don't need to come back yeah I still need to make money off you right so the pharmaceutical industry and all of these they just about making you feel your better but the symptoms are going to reemerge at some point so I'm saying that to say that they keep you dumbed down so when you die you haven't elevated you just come back again and again and again and again until you come across woat woat and osv vision like share subscribe of course we wake you up because we like we open your real eyes listen to the word Realize Real Eyes realiz you have to realize that but you can see real and you can spell it with see again the I and the E remember what I said about the I and the E they say realize but the real eyes open your third eye pineal gland now you start to think and Elevate higher because now you're like h i see your games I see the tricks I see the spell I see what you're doing so I'm going to change my diet I'm going to start using herbs yeah because I don't want to go to the Pharm cool Industries cuz pills they give you are made from the herbs anyway yeah so why why are you not going to take the real herbs yeah you start to relax you're not stressed you're not trying to un you know what I mean um unlive yourself because now you're depressed you ain't got no money cuz the system's all down and you're in the matrix it's designed that way because then you rely on the system to feed you to give you everything then they don't feed you they give you poison for food to keep you sick so that you can keep yeah so yeah I hope that's kind of I know it was a lot but sometimes see this is another thing they tell you you go to the UN go to the university right what do you learn in the University depends on what course you're studying but you get a degree or a master's or a bachelor listen to that you get a degree right University doesn't teach you about the universe but but this is obvious Universe you're supposed to learn about the universe about everything how the planets work how where do you come from origins of life like you said they give you a degree one one degree yeah a degree right how much do the Masons get how much degrees do they get 350 or 360 3° yeah oh they give you three degrees okay right there's a lot more degrees they Hors honorary degrees right they go to 33 right let's say but like you just said you're smart you're smart young man let's just just look at that a little bit you just said a degree right when you study about the Sciences of the universe this is what this circle represents here how many degrees does a circle have 360 360 very good so what you're getting one degree at University where you're meant to be learning about the but there's another 359 and that's just dealing with the physical world yeah I should have really done a square but the Square deals with the physical world and that deals with what they call the spiritual world right how many degrees is a square SKS yeah yeah challenging your maths huh the circle oh 360 360 I know it took a little why cuz this is what I'm saying we're meant to learn math cuz math is a science right the reason is 360 is cuz you have what 490° 490° angles now both of them are 360 but they look different so it's an illusion cuz you're thinking oh that's 360 oh how yeah but it's mathematical because there things that are seen there things that are unseen but when you put the physical world and the spiritual world together you add these numbers up so you end up with what 720 720 Dees so really that's what that's how many degrees you should be getting but you get one degree at University you come out you think you're all that but the the one degree they give you is so you can come and be what a slave and work in the system and do a 9 to-5 and you just you know you're on the treadmill or the rat race or whatever they call it to keep you dumb down because you don't think about elevating past that and you add these up as you know we always do math numerology you get nine 7 + 2 + 0 right nine why nine cuz nine is the highest number 9 to the 9th power of N9 N9 EA so this is what we do with the science of w or the science of w Sabbat is nine EA trying to give you 360 of the spiritual World 360 of the physical world but it's all down to you how much of it you take in now a lot of people get excited when they first come across W back wow the Eyes Are Open F yeah and then it's now to do the work and after a while the buzz know yeah it's long you know I got to read all these books I got to stop eating this I go stop going parties and doing all not going parties but like those parties party drugs party that's what party is to part the new series of ask us anything is coming and if you've been studying and digesting all this information we've been yeah you should have questions so we can raise your bar raise the M the mind to higher questions because Dr Malachi zok the master teacher he's got 700 or 7 to6 trillion years of knowledge to share with us he's a 720° being he has mastered the physical as well as the spiritual that's why can take questions on anything and that's why we as student teachers of the master teacher we've absorbed a lot of what he's taught us none of what I'm saying comes from me like I had to study I had to learn I had to read the books and I'm still am just like many of his students but we're still students he's here to take you and transform you back to that Supreme Being that you once were that you've forgotten because you've been dumbed down you see so that's what water about about wo is not a joke like it's real that's why we're like put us against anyone and like you know what we've been doing it for so long and we are here to what uplift Humanity yeah this is not a joke thing this is for everyone and anyone who can stand against the truth who's willing to learn and study and awake that's why we have all the symbols covered yeah if you those who and that's what we're talking about symbols when you look at symbols one symbol can tell a thousand words a picture can tell a thousand words as they say so study that picture clearly and you will see what you see is a craft this being has come on the craft and has come here to set the record straight on everything whether you're Muslim you know Christian Jew Ras aerian you know what I mean anyone anything that you've got because no one on the planet right now can contain with this being and that's why he's here he's here to change the whole planet from the vibration of the negativity from these extraterrestrials that are fraud as I've said many times passing thems off as God and some of them have actually been arrested that's on a higher level like with do galactical law and stuff like that they've been arrested like um one being called ashar because he's from the ashar Federation the people that were in contact with Hitler yeah um plans and they the ones that gave him that idea of trying to create you know I mean the Aryan race or the Supreme race and um he went about trying to create the blond hair blue I be who the being they p as Jesus is one of them and that's why they pushed that because they have you worshiping these beings and one of them is but I'm not going to go into that today Yahweh or Jehovah yeah like these beings they're like normal extraterrestrial beings have come here and had many people Hoodwinked yeah so symbols are very important look at a symbol study it come out of that mental dead place or you're going to end up in that spiritual dead place there you go rah bat or greetings I'm saken from ask us anything where we like to have have great conversations dialogue and reason um You Know Each one teach one so if you're someone who would like to come and have these conversations um send us a video asking three questions so we can get a feel for what um you know what you want to talk about and you know we're in Cen nashat 101 Church Street um and we've had great conversations with different people disc discussing all kinds of topics and we'll be really you know looking forward to speaking to anyone who wants to come and have a onetoone um and have a yeah and have a conversation about anything so yes if you would like to do that the link is below send us a video um with yourself asking me or ask three questions and then we will get back in touch