well we're just in the process of going into a consultation uh we have a challenge on the budget for this year as many other councils do we've got about 12 million to find to sort of close off we've got an 11.5 million shortfall this year we cannot let that carry over into the next year so we've got to take some measures to be able to close that off um so we can balance the budget because we have a legal right to do that um and to protect the many services that we offer there's over 600 services that we offer here in cry and we want to keep as many of those as we possibly can we just can't keep going on like this and and basically in a nutshell the national average per head of funding is 910 here in centry we we're 821 now if you equate that um that comes to about a 31 million pound shortfall and that's been going on for some time well 13 years of austerity funding Cuts were 100 million less than what we used to be but over and above that we're now seeing Rising pressures in Social care particularly on adult social Care on children's care and in addition to that got the rising interest rates we've got inflation people can't pay their mortgages uh they can't pay their rents so we're seeing a riseing homelessness and that burden falls upon the council all these pressures overlaid by inflation are virtually making it impossible for any Council to balance the budget we've come up with a series of of actions that we could take as a cabinet meeting um and after that we'll go out to consultation we'll get the views of comry people but it's around things like well one of the few authorities in this region that don't charge to collect Garden waste that may have to change we're had to look at car parking where we haven't taken Monday to Friday car parking charges since 2017 and we may have to have a look at those there's been talk around um turning the street lights off well I think War should do that already as other authorities do but there's a range of options around that so these are the difficult choices that we're having to take