>> Good afternoon, everyone. I'd like to call. The August 8th 2024 meeting of the Planning Commission to order. And if we could, please, several call. Thank you, Chair Commissioner Carter. >> Commissioners Tesco is absent. Commissioner Pardo Commissioner Peterson and absent Commissioner Sanders present. Vice Chair Duggan is absent in 2 weeks. Let the record reflect that. All commissioners are present with the exception of Commissioner Cisco, Commissioner Peterson and Vice Chair Dugan. >> I did want to that we have had a request to continue item. 11.2 to August 22nd and we will be disgusting that under item 11. But for those in the audience who might be here for that item, I wanted mention that. So with will go on to approval of minutes. They were July 25th 2024 minutes. Any changes.
OK? So then those are submitted. And do we have any public comment on item? 2 approval of the minutes? Okay. Seeing no We will. The now go to public comment on non agenda items. You'll have 3 minutes if you'd like to go to the podium and state your name for the record. Mister, do it. Your first. >> Hello, my name is Duane de Wit. I'm from Roseland. I wanted to say hello to Mister Pardo and congratulations on your volunteering for this very important effort here. I've come here for a number of years to try to be more helpful in my community. And what brings me here today. Is the fact that yesterday the city had climate adaptation subcommittee meeting. It was unable to be official because only one member of the committee, the mayor showed up. And it was very important meeting to discuss important activity on the part of the city and a consultant that they've hired to look into the general plan and how they'll be handling the climate adaptation type activities.
I have a basic request. I want you to keep in mind for the rest of your lives trees, please. It's very basic. We're going to have any kind climate adaptation that really works. We need to really. Delve into the fact that trees can be helpful. And urban forestry and urban greening is a vital part of how to handle things here in the city where urban Heat islands will exist. need to have. And aspect to this. It's long term. We need to nurture the urban forests that we have. With that in mind. We need to have a basic. Taking stock and doing a census of what's really important on this urban forest. I bring this up because if you leave from here today and go down to 5th Street, you'll see that all the trees around the 5th street parking lot between Dnd or cut down.
So now you got yourself a nice urban Heat island and asphalt parking lot. And a lot of folks thought, well, maybe that's a little extreme. You might have been able to save those trees. But apparently the city doesn't have an arborist and doesn't really follow up on what it says. It's about. In the. Preamble for being a tree City USA, which Santa Rosa proudly proclaims itself to I bring all these things up because trees also help with water conservation. And that's going to be something that's of an issue in the future. Also. I cannot stay for the entire meeting. I have to leave to go over department. The water agency and get their agenda for the board of Public Utilities meetings. We really need to have young people, especially like Mister Pardo. Be at the forefront of this and lead us on how we're going to prepare for their future. of my heroes is a lace, a nice lady named Greta to She's out of Sweden.
She pays attention. She speaks up and she's doing some good things. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Mister Dewitte. Is there anybody else would like to make comment? >> Under this public comment period. >> Okay. Seeing then I will go ahead in close the public comment on non agenda matters and bring it back to the commission. statement of purpose is that we are charged with carrying out the California planning and zoning laws in the city of Santa Rosa.
Duties include implementing of plans ordinances and policies relating to land. Use matters, assisting in writing in implementing the general plan. An area planned holding public hearings and acting on proposed changes to the zoning code. Zoning map. General plan, tentative subdivision, maps and and are taking special planning. Studies is needed with. That will go on to Commissioner reports. Are there any reports make commissioners? Okay? reports by commissioners and are there any public comments on item? 5.2 commissioner reports. If you want to make up comment on that, please go to the top 2 of the podium. Seeing no one rising. Go ahead and close that bring it 2 department report MS Murray. >> No, I'm Susie Marie and the supervising planner for current development. And I'm filling in for Jessica Jones or deputy director today. I have one announcement other than that. And that is we have a few zoning code amendments and staff will be reaching out to a schedule. Some one 2 on one meetings with all of the commissioners. So if you could all keep an eye on your e-mails. we need to be a little bit of background.
Prepare you for that meeting. That would be great. >> Are there any comments on public comment on the department report? If so, please go to the podium, seeing no one drives. It will go ahead in clothes that and have no statement of tensions. No presentations, no consent items. No report items and that will go on to item 11 scheduled item. And as I mentioned at the beginning of the meeting we received a request for a continuance of item, 11.2. So we will be reordering the item to take that request. First. if >> are, if you we are requesting a continuance for a couple of reasons. We received some late correspondence yesterday that we'd like a little bit more time to research. We also are for some additional information from the applicant. both the applicant and a pellet or here they both agreed to continue the meeting to a date certain of August 22nd 2 weeks out gift.
The commission would grant that it would be much appreciated. >> Thank you. So if someone could make a motion to continue 11.2 to a date. Certain of August 22nd. I moved to make a motion to continue Sorry, 11 assists too. 11, 2 today turn August 22nd. Thank you as their second second. It. Thank you. So that was moved by Commissioner Sanders seconded by Commissioner Pardo. If we could have a vote on that, please. Thank you. Chair Commissioner Carter. I. Commissioner Pardo. I. >> Commissioner Sanders. than weeks. I so that passes with for it. So that item will shared on. a it's August 22nd. >> And now we will go ahead and go back to item 11.1. this is a public hearing conditional use permit to a lot modifications to the previously approved Stone Bridge Subdivision, conditional use permit PC dash 2022. Dash 3, 5, at 2, 2, 2, 0 Fulton Road file members see up. 24 Dash, 0, 0, 5, and Mike Janice. That will be doing a presentation tonight. >> Thank you.
Chair weeks good afternoon planning Commission and members of the public name is Mike Chaney. Second, I'll be presenting the staff report for Stone Bridge Subdivision, CPA modification. So this. >> So I can I interrupt for that, ex parte on this story. I miss my a** trick on my agenda. Haha. this is an expert. Hey it. Are there any disclosures, Commissioner Sanders? I have nothing to disclose.
Commissioner Carter. have nothing to disclose commissioner. Part I have nothing to disclose and I also have nothing to disclose now. So I for the interruption. >> No problem chair. Thank for clarifying that. And so the project has a previous ridge. The original approval, as in May 2021. And that was for a tentative parcel map for residential. Lots for single-family homes. this the conditional use permit for residential as well Monday and December of 22, the were replaced with both a new tentative map and a noose up. And this is to add 3 additional lots. with that, Monday was including addendum to analyze the 3 additional lots. And cents earlier this year in February, the applicant a modification request to propose reduced setbacks for 21 out of the 108 lots.
And this item before this evening is just only affects the C from 2022. for small subdivisions. A look at the existing there's I I-90 is unsure minutes, but there's an existing 14 and a half. think vacant property. It's a single tax and the neighborhood There's montage to to the to the South and then a season. A Okay. So I asking supervisor supervising plan if I could get a my notes on screen, but I don't think I'll be able to scientists have to go off memory. So PD is to the north of the say and Andre Lane would extend through all 3 subdivisions. And so the existing existing land use an existing zoning. >> The existing general plan land use is low density residential. And the existing zoning is. as PD. And so the application before you does not the build out subdivision. The density stays the same.
And the tentative map is the same and a lot of the kids, the consistency findings with the general plan are exactly same. So the dense the state is maintained at 3.7 7 units per acre. And same with the zoning of the standards and findings are unaffected from the previous approval except for this. The setbacks. So but procedurally zoning Code section 24 to one, 40 F allows flexibility where the applicant may request from the review authority 30 being the planning commission that they can reduced setbacks that are smaller than the sun block. The Small Lot Subdivision development standards and again, the C findings unaffected and maintain. They are a continued from the original and that's in the for this evening. As our and then again, procedural and so modifications to approve projects that's found Zoning Code Section 2052. 60 and because the setbacks were part of the original, the findings, original the application has been elevated to a Planning Commission review Authority. project was previously analyzed under in the original and the and then the and again, common theme here is that that is unaffected.
Here's breakdown of the request of the setback reductions. And this is all detailed in your staff report and in attachments in the packet. Essentially there are 20 lots that are going to implement a single a single story home model order to do The footprints are a bit larger. And 7 lots will have reduced rear setback. 13. Lots will have reduced. Garage step back and also smaller reduced rear setback. And then additional requests for one lot that's left. 47 that has a site constraint to doing Existing so the blue and the yellow. Those are all the single-story models that are proposed and then magenta is lot. 47 with the There are no unresolved issues. There is to public comments that have have come in since They are related to and in rear fencing. And then so as I analyzed for you in the previous the conditional use permit findings can be made. The code standards are still in compliance. But for the reduced setbacks which are allowed to be reduction. Lot of the requested from the Planning Commission. And so with staff recommends and the PE. The Department recommends that planning commission approve the modification.
The previously approved a conditional use permit for Stone Bridge subdivision to allow reduced setbacks on 21 parcels. I'm happy to answer any questions. And the applicant I believes in attendance and they have a presentation as well. Thank you. >> Thank Does the applicant have a presentation? And if you could make sure the microphone right like this happen to thank you. planning commissioners, staff and members the public. Good afternoon. My name is Jessica Lynch and I work for >> Dr Horton and I'm the project manager for Stone Bridge, residential development. First, I would like to thank Mike for thorough and thank you. Since the end to there's a great to work with throughout this application. wait a second for my presentation to come up. At that. Yes, so has this revision for his setback reduction will allow for condition of single story home plan to our development. The original entitlement when he contemplated two-storey homes. And that's why the lot sizes, especially its is suited more of the footprint of a 2 story home.
We think that the addition of a single story and would add variety and just would make for a more varied and interesting streetscape. It also provides a smaller square footage plan that would cater 2 more suitable for entry level buyers as well as homebuyers who wish to age in place. So in order achieve that, requesting minor for the garage and the rear as shown on this exhibit. So there is a reduced by. 4 on some of the losses and reduced by on the rear setback in 3 apology for on the garage inside outlined in the table. the staff report. Come on the right. You see an example of the home plan that we are proposing to be plotted on these specific lots. And for second side, please. And in addition, we have won regular size lot that we would like to reduce setback to fit our smallest footprint plant. That the smallest story planned that will also be offered throughout the development. So with if the planning Commission have any questions public has any questions for me, love address or was.
Thank Are there any questions of staff or the Commissioner Sanders? thank you for the presentation. So the reduced setbacks that puts the structures closer together correct. Close to the fence line. >> Yes, would. >> We're the rear to reduce rear setbacks. And is there any sort of fire issue to be concerned with? Because the structure so close together, no access to. 2 for fire equipment and all I knows. I wouldn't be. thanks. Any other questions of the applicant. Commissioner Carter. Or staff. I'm sorry, the applicant or staff. It's probably for I think. >> We said that the previously approved the AC conditions will still apply on this project. Specifically, there's a condition number 12 that limits to 65% lot coverage. checked to make sure we're still in compliance with that. that it's planning condition number 12 number 14 says that 5 to its are subject to design review. looks like the planned changes. The number of Duets we need change either of those conditions. >> Our development does not change that and do And did not make open. Oh, think you're though. So so 10 in total, 5 pairs of duets that are the original entitlement of below market rate units.
Thank you for that. And, you know, address that the lot coverage, they they're required to meet lot coverage. I can say that that we did thorough review it at this point, but we certainly will. >> That needs to be shown on each plot plan, I guess master. It will be a master. A building permit plan. >> Master plan. And it will show that lot coverage that sort of change can be handled at staff level.
All right. Thank you. any other questions. Commissioner, thank Card >> questioned for the applicant. I'm not sure those in the report. Are these going to be for rent or what's the housing into before? >> He'll be sold to individual homeowners, a cousin, a friend just for Yes, >> of them are deed restricted. Are they not the all of that? Thank you. I was just going step in and say the 5 duets are the 10 units will deed restricted us from moderate income. I'm sorry. I that's okay. Was looking. I guess I better let him with Go ahead and open the public comment period on this item. If you're in the chambers and rushed to make comment, please make your way to the podium state. Your name for the record and you will have 3 minutes. Seeing no one. Rise. I will go ahead and close the public comment on this and bring it back to the commission. Is there if there's no other questions at this time with somebody like to make a motion for the resolution.
Commissioner Sanders a move resolution of the planning Commission of the city of Santa Rosa making findings and determinations. >> And approving modification to the previously approved conditional use permit allowing reductions to the setbacks on 21 persons within the Stone Bridge Subdivision. The property located at 2 to 2, 0 Fulton Road File number, see up to 4 Dash 0, 0, 5, Thank you. And is there a second a second. Thank commissions that Commissioner and Commissioner Sanders made the motion. So we'll go ahead and start with Commissioner Sanders for comment. Can I interject just for a sack? I'm getting a clarification that we need to correct. >> In the site to or where we've cited Code Section 60, where it should be changed to 60. Not quite Waiting for the response here. Of where that is. But it's in the resolution. I think we can.
I can probably do word search program. >> This is actually progress since City attorney. Thank you for flying press. Susie. It's on Page 3 of 4. Right under letter just under be it further resolved, present to zoning Code section 2052. Point those it. So that should just be 2.0. 54 point, though, 6, 0, So if could just make that clarification before the final thank >> So then if we could Commissioner Sanders amend his motion to reflect the changes as stated by City Attorney Crocker.
Is that correct? Ashley? >> And the great yes. Thank You can just clarify that and then get a second. It's a small change, but guys flying. So it needs to Changed. If you can just clarify that, make your motion just as amended to make change to section on page 3 of the resolution as noted. And then the second and then the vote. >> So if it's is it under that first be it further resolved? >> change. Think 3 right under letter the first the interim, the That percentage only code section.
That would be 20 4 point. Oh, >> Okay. So instead of 20 dash, 52 point 0, 6, so it should be 20 dash. 54 point. '06, 0, see >> And so I'm not sure the language, but I'd like to amend my resolution to reflect that the zoning code section should be 2, 0 dash. 5, 4, 6, 0, >> And great. Thank you. Commissioner Carter, all second. Thank you. Does that work? Perfect. Thank you, guys. Thank you. Okay. So with Commissioner Sanders yeah, single story. We need that. >> For any number reasons. I upstairs in my house and wear me out right now. And so to have some single story, homes for people you have issues, mobility. I like the term aging in place. It's great. So I can make all the required 20's and I will support the modification.
Thank you, Commissioner Carter. Yeah, I have no problems with this. I think it's pretty straightforward and I can make all the necessary findings and will be really supporting the resolution. >> Thank you, Commissioner Pardo. >> I can make all the Ricard findings and I'm in support of this project is still in a way lower housing health costs. Thank you. And I also can make other required, find and will be supporting this project. So with that, if we have a vote, please. >> Thank you. Chair Chair. I'm sorry. Commissioner Carter. Commissioner Pardo. I Commissioner Sanders, and chair weeks.
I so that passes with 4 eyes. >> And please note that this action is final unless an appeal is filed with the city clerk's office within 10 calendar days of today's decision, perception Zoning Code section 20 dash. 62.0 3, 0, And is there anything else from either commissioner staff for tonight this afternoon? But still and afternoon. Okay. So with that, we'll go ahead and adjourn. The meeting. Haha.