>> Because all of Because ready to go Okay, I would like to call the meeting of March 28th Planning Commission to order. And if we could please call the roll. >> Thank you. Chair weeks, Commissioner Carter. Commissioner Cisco, Commissioner Sanders. Commissioner Peterson Air Commissioner Holton Vice Chair Dugan chair weeks here. Let the record reflect that. All of our commissioners are present. Thank you. And before we start, I did want to that we will be reordering the agenda and moving.
>> Item 9.2 before 9.1. And we will be taking action on that at that time. But it due to the fact that that item is being continued Intel the April 11th 2024 meeting. So with that, we have the minutes of from February 22nd any changes or corrections? So with that they will be approved. Do we have any public comments on the on the minutes? Seeing no one going towards seeing no one going towards the podium. We don't have any public comments. So they stand as approved. With that will be going to the public comment on non agenda matters this is a time when you can address the commission on matters, not on the agenda today. If you choose to do so, please go to one of the podiums and state your name for the record. If you so choose. Seeing no one going towards the podium. Go ahead and close. The public comment period. And going into commission business. Our statement of purpose the Planning Commission is charged with carrying out the California planning and zoning laws and the city of Santa Rosa duties include implementing of plans ordinances and policies relating to land. Use matters, assisting in writing in implementing the general plan, an area plan holding public hearings and acting on proposed changes to the zoning code.
Zoning map. General plan. Tentative subdivision maps and undertaking special planning studies as needed. And with that, we'll move on to item 4.2 commissioner report a few of We're fortunate enough to go down to Long Beach a couple weeks ago to the League of California Cities Planning Commission and just to note next year, that conference will be here in Santa Rosa's. Hopefully a lot more of us can attend. So with any Commissioner Sanders? Yeah, I did attend the Leave. Cities Planning Commissioner. >> Conference and it was it was really good being a new commissioner. I always look forward to it because I'm always learning something new with one of the sessions how an idea how project goes from idea through the planning process to a shovel in the ground. Really enlightening, you know, and I think everybody should do that. If you're a nerd like me and you know, like the kind of thing. >> I attended this waterways advisory committee meeting where we talked couple of items that actually be coming back to us April. 11th but the transportation and public Works Department. They're conducting an update of the 2018 bicycle and pedestrian master plan.
It's going to be ruined. Renamed a active transportation plan and that move is to, you know, because, you know, we don't all active. Transportation is not just walking and bicycling. I mean, the people in wheelchairs and I would assume, you know, many other ways of actively getting themselves point A to point B. So we talked a little bit about that today and then also FEMA is updating the water flood maps for the Santa Rosa Creek watershed. And, you know, those changes will be on the website city website. I think it's Sr City dot org for slash flood maps dot com. And you can get to that information and see if you're actually in the Santa Rosa Creek area because it may have impact on insurance rates all that kind of stuff.
So it's something to keep a track of. >> Thank you. Any other comments from any commissioners? I do have a couple of other things >> one is that I'm on. >> Tuesday, the council heard the appeal to the cell phone tower on Colton Avenue and they Planning Commission's action and denied the appeal. And I think that's all for So we'll go ahead and move on the vice chair election. So this is the when we every we appoint a vice chair. And so Commissioner Doug been the vice chair for the past year. Does anybody would anybody like to make a motion to nominate vice chair Commissioner Cisco? >> Instead like to nominate a current vice chair, Duggan to continue vice chair.
And do you accept? Yes, I do think you can is their second second. Okay. So that was moved by Commissioner Cisco and seconded by Commissioner Sanders. >> Can we have a vote? >> Commissioner Carter. Commissioner, Cisco. I. Commissioner Sanders. I Commissioner Peterson. I Commissioner Holton. I vice Chair Dugan. I tear week >> So that passes with 7 eyes. And I realized I didn't a call for the public comment period on a commission reports or on the So if anybody has any public comments on either that commissioner report item or the vice chair election go to one of the podiums. Seeing no one headed that way. go ahead and close those excuse me and we'll move on to item 4 point 4.
Which is Item 5, which is the department report. >> thank you. Chair Members of the Jessica Jones, deputy director of planning first, congratulations Vice Chair Duggan for your reappointment following on what chair weeks had mentioned, that the city council meeting at last week. We did have the Verizon item, which is as mentioned of the commissioner this evening. The council did uphold the commission's decision and denied the appeal at that meeting. We also had the wayfinding sign ordinance which the commission while back and that was approved by the unanimously. So we will the moving for that ordinance with the second reading at the next council meeting. I will be effective a month later. And then Commissioner Holton has unfortunately submitted a letter of resignation from the we are very sad to see you go. And we have been extremely appreciative of your your time and your work here on the But we're excited for your new adventures with I did want to we will be recruiting to fill that position.
As you all know, the planning Commission is extremely important. I'm a part of our city process of. So it's a very important for us full commission. And we've got a lot of I'm really challenging and exciting items coming forward before you and this next year. So we're going looking to get a new commissioner here soon as we can. So I did want to mention for anybody who's watching we're here in the that we are accepting applications now for planning Commission and if anybody is interested in that they can go to the city's website which is Sr City Dot org. Click on government and then boards commissions and committees and then apply online for a board or commission.
And if anybody has any questions about that they can reach out to me or anyone on city staff and we can help them get there. And that's all I have. >> So with are go ahead and open the public comment Staff report and department report it's there. Anybody. Wanting to make comment on that? Go to the podium, seeing no one. I will go ahead and close that. So go ahead and move to statement of abstentions. Are there any abstentions? we have no consent items and no report items. And as I mentioned at the beginning of the meeting, we are rescheduling the I'm sure we're re numbering the agenda and item 9.2 is now 9.1 as staff has requested a continuance of this item to a date certain which is April 11th 2024.
Do you have anything you'd like to say about >> Yes, staff had requested this to be in order to just provide some more documentation for that. Essentially preparation for April 11th All right. Thank you. If I could just so. And anybody who's watching for the item that we're talking about, 9.2 is. >> Public hearing for conditional use permit for a new telecommunication tower at 27 15 given avenue. >> So to continue do we need to make a motion and act on it? >> Thank you. Yes, if you could, please ask for a motion to continue to date certain a second and then take a vote.
That would be great. Okay. Thank you. >> that somebody like to make a motion? >> Yes. the motion to continue the item to a date certain a second. He was the Thank you. >> Can I just clarify that? Those to date certain of April, 11th 2024. Sorry. a turn. What she said. >> and we do have one speaker after we take the vote, will go ahead and have that Speaker. So if we could go ahead, is that okay? Miss Kercher to do it in that order. I do want to do the speaker now. >> I would go ahead and ask for yes for public comment now we could take the vote on the continued, OK? So.
>> We do have item. One speaker Jennifer LaPorte. If you'd like to go to one of the podiums and state your name for the record, that would be great and where she is and you'll have 3 minutes, 3 minutes. Well. >> OK, my name is Jennifer Laporta. Can you hear me? environmental health scientist with 25 years of employment degree in environmental health. So I object to this macro tower. conflicts with your owns ordinance, zoning ordinance because years owning ordinances, you cannot have you need 2 miles in between macro towers and the nearest. The New Year's Macro terror is 1.1 mile away, which think they move item up Sunday, which which is on Hampton Road.
Give you the address. It's 51, 5, 9, 4 Hampton Road. it. I found this on antenna, search dot com and it's a it's listed to Hoosier Towers, LLC. The other reason to object to this tower. It is 1400 feet to the Roseland Creek. And only 400 feet to the nearest residents on Campbell Drive. And the corner of a lumbar so what what we have here, I understand you don't make policy in this chamber, but you need to know the background here that we're talking 40 small cells in 25 macro towers already in Santa Rosa. And it is a it is. It is a looming public health crisis.
Each one of these towers, a public health nuisances. look up right our IPO in California and see what happened there with the cell phone tower where there was a cancer cluster. It was built out of school on the school grounds. It was a cancer cluster. they turned that tear off. I'm not sure if they actually took it down.
But that happened there and then look up SB 6 for 9. >> California passed SB 6 for 9 in 2017. I already e-mailed you guys. if you read the emails but >> this was to protect firefighters. Okay? Because they there they found firefighters, suffering neurological symptoms. Headache, insomnia, brain fog getting lost in the same town they grew up and sometimes forgetting protocol in routine medical procedures. Mood swings. Infertility. >> Excedrin. This substantiated by suspect P E C T brain imaging study in 2004 firefighters in California lived in the shadow, but her for over 5 years. And the study connected but conducted by Gunner Pleaser, MD Ph D. Okay. If we care enough about firefighters health, what about the rest of us? We don't consent to be guinea pigs in this massive health experiment, honor, health and lives. Thank you very much, Lisa.
My time's up. >> Thank And as I mentioned, this item is being after a vote until April 11th 2024. And you will have a chance to become item at that time. But if you do wish to make a comment now, please make your way to one of the podiums and state your name for the record. But as I said, you will also have time on April.
11th make comment. So if you'd like to be please state your name for the record. >> Hi, my name is Sidney kayaks. Boy, did I have trouble putting coins in the meter? Anyway? High night to be back here. I just wanted to mention I make copies of the postcard that was sent to the Colgan Avenue. People. I know this is not about that. But the postcard there was complaints about that. The fight being really little and I mentioned it and it's 6.5.
So my suggestion would be sending out these postcards to to the neighbors would be good. Maybe in an envelope and also in Spanish I make copies for everybody. You might not have seen this sort of got a copy for everyone just to see how small the fight was. That was a big complaint because people couldn't read the fine. Let's have magnifying glass. that's the first thing. I have one for everybody. And the second thing I just want say I just sent you an e-mail, which is probably too late. You probably didn't get it. I I I wanted share some studies with you because I think the last time we were here, some of you didn't know about the studies. I found a really good easy website that has a number of studies and the Dist mention with links where you can click on the links. And I just also want to say it's really hard to care about this issue unless you've had a family member or yourself. Affected by I didn't expect this to be what I'm doing in my golden years.
I would much rather be doing something else. But for some reason the universe is brought me to this place. And, you know, it's because I had family member affected my son. He was a he developed information on the right side of his face. This was about 10 years ago it was really sad because he was about to go to law school. And I was really scared it was information is eye was swollen and this is temple was swollen and they wanted to do is CT scan. But he said that was too much radiation for his poor.
25 year-old body. And I'm not a religious person, but I prayed and prayed luckily he's okay today. But I worry about him every day. And then I had a really dear friend who dive of ago. blessed DOMA to her brain. At that point, I had a meter one of those radio frequency meters. And and I was very annoying, everyone, because I would take it with me. And I would take readings and I would show people have a coach. look at your Mike, what does look at your phone? Does? but you know, my friend up and reading, she lived in a mobile home.
That was medal. And when you have something that smell it acts like the Faraday cage. So whatever kind of frequency that comes off of her phone, she had cordless phones and cell phone. It bounces around. Thank you, Ed. So anyway, just wanted to share those things. That's how I came to where I am now. And thank you for your time. Thank And anybody else want to speak on this item, which as I mentioned, we will be continuing until April 11th 2024. >> If so, please make your way to the podium at this time. >> Hi, my name is Kim Thank you for Avenue area. My questions are part of the Everybody else has the effects. of all, who does is help? Who does it hurt? The effects on our health, depending on how close you live to it. Effects of property value. If you have one close to you. As hear all the pros and cons about that and because it may lead to health issues are my biggest concern.
Have information through today. >> So I'm sorry. I was hoping to get information. I have those questions. Hopefully answered today or in the future. And some of documentation. questions. Please go ahead and e-mail him to the staff. If you haven't already. Okay. And it was want to say that I I do have a lot of questions and I will be keeping an eye on it closely because I do live right very close to this new tower. I'm not opposed to the way it looks opposed to the functions and then the effects of it. Thank you for your time. So with seeing no one else going towards the podium for this comment will go ahead and close. The public comment. >> On this item and bring it back to the commission To continue item. 9.2 to April. 11th was. >> Moved by Commissioner Sanders and seconded by Commissioner Holton so that if we could have the vote, please. >> Commissioner Carter. Commissioner I Commissioner Sanders. I Commissioner Peterson, I Commissioner Wilton. I vice Chair Dugan, I chair >> So that passes with 7 eyes.
And that item will be continued, as I've to April, 11th 2024. So that will go back to our first item on the agenda. 9.1. It is a public hearing up. My village association planned development, text amendment to modify the language of the existing policy statement are easy. 23 Dash 0, 0, 2, This is not ex parte So we'll go ahead think planner will ski, if you would like to go ahead and start. >> Yes, just a moment. While I got my screen share ready. Can think we can all see it now? Okay. Good afternoon. Chair in Planning Commission members. My name is Sheila Balls came with the planning and economic development division. The agenda item before you today is the rezone application to amend planned development PD 6, 3, 0, 0, 1, Planned development also known as PD zoning has been approved throughout the city in various locations in subdivisions, zoning code section 20 dash. 26 0, 6, 0, AF allows planned developments to be amended with the rezone application.
This particular rezone application seeks to maintain the PD zoning designation and the men, the plan, development policy statement and maps. Planned development zoning can allow for distinct land use permitting and development standards through the plan, development policy statement. The impetus for this particular application is that this policy statement requires a city use permit application for all new EU says including accessory uses a use permit application can be both an expensive and lengthy process and particularly onerous for uses, which are compatible with the parcels general plan land use designation and which would otherwise be permitted by right? The applicants are requesting this amendment to reduce financial and regulatory barriers for compatible uses.
The slide depicts the boundaries of planned development PD 6, 3, 0, 0, 1, which is highlighted in yellow all properties are located in the Oakmont senior living community. And this PD includes most but not all of Oakmont. This slide is the project history to note the January. 26 meeting both months, Burger Center was well attended. There are approximately 100 Oakmont residents in attendance based on comments received an a showing of hands. It appear that the vast majority of attendees were in support of the proposed amendments and no one spoke in opposition. These next 2 slides outlined the proposed amendments to the plan development. This first slide deals with amendments to the policy statement. First, the bulk of for the boat, bulk climb land use permitting and development standards would default to a property's implementing zoning district based on the properties.
General plan land use designation. The majority of properties in Oakmont have a general plan land use designation of low. We're very low density residential. This amendment would allow planning staff to review applications based on the zoning code residential land use permitting table. In practice. This could mean that a home-based business that needs the city zoning code requirements for home occupation, for instance, a Web based business operating from home could be allowed without the need for a use permit application. For the commercial properties located in this PD staff would also be able to review new uses in the context of the city zoning code commercial land use and permitting table. This amendment could allow for the transition of business uses from a bank to pharmacy to medical office to restaurant uses without the need for use permit application. As further examples, a large grocery store would continue to require a conditional use permit and a cannabis manufacturing facility would not be permitted all consistent with the city zoning code.
The Second Amendment deals with the types of uses that would be allowed by right on parcels with a general plan land use designation of parks and recreation. This section of the amended policy statement defines the types of outdoor recreational uses. That would be allowed by right to include sport courts, community gardens and dog parks. The purpose of this is to allow compatible outdoor recreation properties designated parks and recreation without the requirement of a use permit.
These uses are defined because the implementing zoning district, which is open space, recreational SR is actually fairly limiting for recreation uses. And this is most likely because most parks and recreation designated personals. Our government owned and not subject to use permit requirements. All other outdoor recreation uses are excuse me. All these outdoor recreation uses are consistent with the general plan, policies and goals for parks and recreation designated parcels.
For these parks and recreation designated parcels. Most development standards would default to the implementing zoning district standards. Some of that waiting included. Maximum height our coverage the proposed policy statement defines 15 foot front side and rear setbacks. And we're being specifically prescriptive about the setbacks because the Ellis, our zoning district require setbacks, be established by use permit. The policy statement calls out that outdoor lighting is not permitted unless it is reviewed and approved through the city's applicable permitting process. And the 4th bullet point for these parks and recreation land. These parcels is that by right, outdoor recreation uses shall not exceed 10,000 square feet, except we're conversion is proposed on existing development of the same footprint. The amended policy statement also provides a note that design review is required for only structures and exterior modifications to existing structures where required by the city zoning code. This slide covers the map amendments that are proposed to the planned development. The image of the top is the existing boundary map from 1963. As you can see, it's outdated and doesn't reflect the build-out of Oakmont.
The proposed boundary bottom left him Blue exhibit a provides more clarity, including personal lines as well as depicting the areas of Oakmont that are excluded from this particular PD zoning district. Please note there are no other changes proposed to the existing boundary. Map depicted Lower right Exhibit B reflects the parcels with the general plan that land use designation of parks and recreation. For the general plan analysis, the majority of properties in this plan development have a general plan land use designation of low-density or very low density residential.
This plan development also includes parcels with general plan land use designations of parks and recreation retail, medium density residential, retail and business services public institutional and office. This amendment would not change. The general plan land use designations of any property. The slide lists some of the general plan goals and policies that implemented by this proposed amendment. And these primarily address recreational goals and policies as well as economic vitality and economic development goals and policies achieved with these amendments in particular. I'd like to highlight key us AM P S of a one which deal with the goals of providing recreational facilities for all sectors of the community, including specific age groups. Based on a review of the above goals and policies. It is staff's position that the proposed rezoning to amend this plan development is consistent with the general plan goals and policies. Additionally, the amendments would provide a more streamlined path for development of parks and recreation facilities persons designated parks and recreation consistent with the general plan.
The zoning code implements the general plan. And as such the men in the policy statement to create a document that provides a framework to evaluate uses based on the general plan creates this policy statement that is more consistent with the general plan. In terms of zoning Code Amendment fineman, findings, the city zoning code provides direction on amending planned developments in Zoning Code chapter 20 dash. 64 one of which is to hear the matter before the Planning Commission and council as a public hearing item further.
There are certain findings that must be made and which are listed on this slide. For the first finding, the proposed amendments would provide for compatible outdoor recreational land uses on parcels with the general Plan land use designation of parks and recreation without the requirement of a use permit application. This implements general plan goals Psf a one and PS and Psf a 17 which encouraged the provision of recreational facilities the amendments also support general plan goals. El you LJ UVA and UVB 7 which encourage a positive vinyl business community and business attraction. For commercial and office and parcels in this plan development, the amendments would remove the requirement for use permit application for new compatible uses attracting new commercial and office land uses.
Further. The amendments would rely on the city's zoning code to establish land use permitting requirements for personals, consistent with the general planned land use designation. Future development projects in this plan development would continue to be subject to public interest, health safety, convenience and welfare findings consistent with the zoning code and general Plan land use designation. 2 for the sequel finding will review this one on the following slide. It has its own dedicated slide for the 3rd finding, the project is internally consistent with the other applicable provisions of the zoning code in that the project creates a planned development policy statement that is more internally consistent with the city zoning code for development standards and permitting requirements for the outdoor recreational uses. The propose uses are consistent with the city's general plan. The project has been reviewed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act.
2, 1, 0, 8, 3, and sickle guidelines sections, 1, 5, 1, 8, 3, provide that if a proposed development project is consistent with the general plan in an environmental impact report was certified with respect to that general plan, environmental review shall be limited to the effects on the environment, which are peculiar to parcel. We're to the project in which were not addressed. A significant effects in the prior environmental Impact Brief report for which substantial new information shows will be more significant than described in the prior environmental impact report.
The proposed project has been found to be consistent with the Santa Rosa General Plan. Review of the project has revealed no significant environmental impacts which are peculiar to the parcel or to the project and which were not addressed in the general plan. ER nor is there any new information that shows that any environmental impacts will be more significant then as described in ER any future development subject to discretionary entitlement will require secret compliance. You in Tulsa, patient of any facility is being constructed in the future, they would likely be exempt under the secret guidelines section exemptions listed below on this slide. It is recommended by the planning and economic development department that the planning Commission by resolution recommended the city council adopt tax amendments to the plan. Development policy statement for the Oakmont planned development PD 6, 3, 0, 0, 1, to include updated maps the fall to the city zoning code for land use permitting requirements consistent with the Associated General Plan Land use designation established uses and setbacks compatible with the parks and Recreation general planned land use designation and if the planning Commission chooses to recommend to the council these amendments this afternoon, this item will be heard by the council at a future public hearing.
Here's my contact and I'm available for any questions. And the applicants are in the audience as well. If there are any questions. Thank you. Thank Does >> just applicant? am that. Does the applicant have a presentation to make or just available for questions? They don't have a present location. Great. before I go ahead and open the public, a hearing on this, are there any questions of staff? I have one we go back to us law or page 5. Number 3. We have no. That is that if you show up late in new structures and exterior modifications to existing structures. >> Types of what would be required by the zoning code. >> SU which slide. sorry. like 5, Oh, number 3. And I'm sorry. should have asked you that earlier. okay. >> And it's really dependent on the level of The zoning code has a table of one design review is essentially single-family dwellings are exempt.
So something that's on parks and recreation Pursell. If it's very minor, it could potentially be over the counter if it's something do recall. Susie, the up to 10,000 Square feet to would-be zoning level and over we're talking design review board. Thank you. >> it is it not scheduled yet for the council depending upon our action today? That is correct. >> So that any questions. Go ahead. And open the a public hearing on this. We do have some cards, but you don't need have filled out a card. So if you in the chamber in which to make a comment, please make your way to the podium. We'll have 3 minutes for comment. And a countdown timer will alert you. We have cards from Larry Burns, Richard Hirsch and Margaret Newman.
>> Hi, my name is Mark Newman the resident Oakmont Village. And just like to say, I support the proposed update to the plan. Development document. >> Larry Burns. I just wanted to support the recommendation that is been made. Thank you. >> And Richard Hirsch. >> I also on those support the recommendations are being made. Thank you. >> And if you could stay in for the record, if you choose to do so. >> Yes, my name is Iris Harrell and I won Village Association board along with Jeff Newman sending audience and we worked on this together. I wanted to thank Planning Department for on technical questions. And we are really just wanting to bring month into the 21st century.
It was developed in 1963. You know, they're planners here who are 30 years old. never been to month and we like the maps to be accurate. Thank you. >> Any other comments on this item from the public? Okay. Seeing nobody go ahead and close the public hearing on this item and bring it back to the >> Any other questions? >> Okay. with that, if somebody could make a motion. On this. Can do Thank Commissioner system. >> Resolution of the planning move a resolution of the planning Commission of the City of Santa Rosa recommending to the city council adoption of a text amendment to the Oakland Plan Development PT 6, 3 Dash, 0, 0, One policy statement including modifications to one updated maps to default to the city zoning code for land use permitting requirements consistent with the general Plan Land use designation and 3 established compatible use is with the Parks and Recreation Land.
Use designation found number are easy to 3 Dash, 0, 0, 2, for the reading of the text. I'll second. >> Thank you so So we'll go ahead and do some due comments. start with Commissioner Wilton. This one's pretty straightforward and I agree with most of the folks in attendance here. It's time get into the new millennium allow you folks too. >> Go ahead. And take care of a lot of business could be expedited to not waste a lot public resources time. So thank you very much. Appreciate it. Have a great day.
Commissioner Cisco. >> Yeah, this is a very efficient method update the Plan B PD as opposed to eliminating and rezoning parcels to get them consistent with the zoning code. So like the approach, I think it's completely appropriate to to go ahead and do for the reasons stated and also really want to compliment planner will what a great presentation, very clear and very thorough. Also very good job. And I can make all of the findings. As chair Duggan. I too, can make all the required findings. And I think this is wonderful use of the staff time because old enough to remember pickleball needed use permit. And I think that that was, you know, not not. At the time. I remember all kind of confuse like why are we talking about this year? So I think this fine and I can make all reported findings support. Mister Peterson. I think my fellow commissioners ably commented on this so I can make all the required findings and Im in favor of project. >> Thank you, Commissioner Carter. Yeah, I too have nothing further to add than to say good job, everybody.
And let's get on with >> Thank you. And commission, I can make the required findings. >> Thank >> Commissioner Sanders also committed require findings. I like that. You set those that were under 30. I like that. Which but yes, I support. Thank you. Thank you. And I also can make other required findings. And I think this is a very efficient and they do Echo. >> Commissioner Cisco, as well as key really good good to clear job. Thank you so with it was moved by Commissioner Cisco, seconded by Vice Chair Duggan. Go ahead and get a vote. >> Thank you. Chair weeks, Commissioner Carter. Commissioner says Commissioner Sanders.
I Commissioner Peter I commissioner hold >> I can also make all the required findings and I thank you. Thank you. Vice chair doing I chair weeks. I. >> So that passes with 7 ayes. please note. That this action is final unless an appeal is filed with the city clerk's office within 10 calendar days of today's decision. Pursuant Zoning Code section 20 dash. 62. 0, 3, 0, And unless there's anything else from staff for today. Go ahead and adjourn. The meeting in teller next regularly scheduled weaving in April. Thank you.