>> Chair Jones Carter is 4.30. >> It is 04:30PM, and I'm calling this meeting of the Design Review Board to order. Recording secretary. Please call roll. >> Board member Cook Air Board member lip time here. board member Sharon. Board member Wolf Rich is absent. Vice chair. We go. Chair Jones, Carter Let the record reflect that all board members are present in exception for board member will rest. Who is absent? >> I am to approval of minutes 2.1 December 7 2023. Does anyone have any changes to the no changes the minutes of December, 7th are approved as significant. Recording Secretary. Do we have any public comment on item to approval of minutes? >> If you're in chambers and wish to make a comment, please make your way to the podium. Chair Jones Carter looks like we have no public comment. Thank you. Item 3 public comment. now taking public comment on item 3 non agenda matters. >> This is a time when any person may address the board on matters not listed on this agenda, but which are within the subject matter jurisdiction of this committee. To show signs of support of a comment waving of hands is acceptable.
Please refrain from. A plodding are voicing your opinion. Unless you're at the podium. Recording Secretary, can you please provide instructions to the public? >> If you are in chambers and wish to make a comment, please make your way to the Chair Jones card. It looks like we do have one public in here for comment. >> again. Hello. My name is Dwayne De from Roseland. I want to thank you, folks want to say good holidays to you, folks >> May have very happy holidays and do a very good new Year.
>> I know that being a volunteer on these types of activities can be very time consuming. But I feel it's very important because it almost seems as if design review board has been. Neutered. Ask you, ladies, it's been sent to the sidelines 6 years ago. The Tubbs Fire gave certain people within the city's jurisdiction, the obligation they fell to sell. We have to do things more in a hurry. That's 6 years ago, though. And they're still within that same kind of mindset. And it's actually having a negative effect upon different neighborhoods such as mine out in Roseland. There's been this building where anything goes.
You can just say it's going to be affordable and you get to have It's not good for our community. We're definitely struggling with overpopulation. >> Were overburdened and we're underserved. Our roads are falling apart. They're not being fixed in a timely manner for all the new residents that are moving in in the past. One of the buffers, we had to help this was that the design review process before the planning Commission help to make sure the projects we're balanced and they actually help the community instead creating more of a problem. Now, many of you probably never go over to Rosen. If you do, you might see Sebastopol Road think well, that's the main deal. You should go out to South Roseland, go out to her to have a We're all the new thousands of homes are planned to be coming in and look across the field.
And Hearn look out that field to the southwest see what we call the stockade for Burbank giant. 3 story buildings put out there in the middle of the field years ago because they were affordable housing. And the roads are very narrow. Very tight spot emergency waiting to happen. And the folks out there, they're like, hey, got a place to live. So we're going with it. It was a self-help kind of project. The place is packed with cars and there's cars all over all there for streets all around. Take your time sometime and go out there and look for yourself. Don't take it for me and then think about As you being designers and planners, what you think is good for a community. We like home bolts, treat myself and others. We like to JC neighborhood. Those nice open streets, tree tunnels. Really good stuff. We're not getting out in Roseland and it's something that you could change. I do believe the Tubbs Fire stuff will be over next year.
They gave him an extension for another year. But after that, hopefully we'll be back in the game. Thank you kindly for your time. Thank you very much. I would like to. Do we have anyone else? Looks like we don't have anyone else. Terry Jones, Carter, thank you. Public comment is closed. >> I am for 4.1 statement of purpose. Sony Code chapter 20 dash. 52 Point 0, 3, O Project Review the Review authority shall consider the location design site. Plan configuration and the overall effect of the proposed project upon surrounding properties in the city in general. Review shall be conducted by comparing the proposed project to the general plan any applicable specific plan? Apple Gold, zoning code standards and requirements. Consistency of the project within the city's design guidelines, architectural criteria for specific area and other applicable city Item 4.2 board member reports. Are there any board member reports? Thank you. There are Item, 4.3 There is none. Item. 5 department report. >> Thank you. Chair Jones Carter and good evening, everyone. I do have some reports for Sunday that going to to. So first it is news that a law, anyone afar. Colleagues is leaving the seat next year.
People have of the rba meeting. That would be her last item that she will lead us. She has accepted a job with the city of Hillsboro. So she's mooing to Healdsburg. Also we have another plan, their senior planner It's she's also leaving She has accepted the job. She's becoming get the beauty director. I believe to ADP. Detective for the CTO for Tuna in North California. No, she's going And about some of requests from the are of. So Recording Crystal will start sending every board courtroom takings. Please check your email to come from. If you will be attending the meeting. I believe it will be every 2 weeks before the meeting and then. What about that. Both of the items that item, 8.1 has many causes to continue to a certain date, just going to January 18 and also I Tim 8.2 staff is requesting to be continued.
When they get to that item. We will go over And for next year, first in January, 40 people have a concept bite him. And that's reports. Thank >> Thank you very much. money we will miss year. Thank you for your service to board. >> It's been a pleasure. Getting to know all of you and I learned a lot from you guys and miss very much. Comes as it has >> I'm recording secretary. Do we have any public comment on item? 5 department reports? >> Yes, Jones chair. Chair Jones Carter. We do have public comment.
>> Hello, my name is doing to from Roseland. I wasn't able to hear the complete discussion just now under number 5, but it sounded like what's going to her. 8.2, there's going to be some sort of talk about it. But the items not being heard. What is the status of >> The item is being continued totally, but totally continued. We will not have a discussion today. No. >> Does that come because I live in rose and just down the street wanted to add a little comment about making sure these folks get to the creek bikes or walking very easily. >> Welcome back. We need it. Back on the calendar. >> It's not on the calendar So no dates are. Thank you kindly for talking with me. I appreciate your time. have a wonderful holiday season. thank you. In the New Year. >> Can I just cleared they doing up. So this item is going to be scheduled for January 4, >> Items, statements of stanchion. all need to stay in from 8.2. Thank you. I have a question. Sorry for clarification. If the item is being continued.
There still a need for him to leave? Because we're not discussing it all. I don't there's a need to be. How do I I think those things, no project being presented I don't think there's a need >> to But you may if you choose to. >> I would also add that Mike, like so we have to vote on it to continue it right. Mike can't vote on it even because he has stand so. ♪ >> And 7 consent items near item. 8 scheduled items. We're moving on to the first scheduled 8.1 public hearing. New Verizon Wireless Telecommunication Tower design review permit to 4 for Colgan Avenue.
He R J 23 Dash, 0, 0, 9, applicant has requested. We continue this item to a date certain of January. 18th 2024 staff and that is there anything else you would like to >> Staff would also like to add that this will be re notice to to a change in the zoom link. So the noticing will be going out to Thank Chair. If I may. >> I move to a move public hearing for a new Verizon telling patients our design if you permit to 44 Colin Avenue, Peter J 23, Dash, 0, 0, 9, Waive the reading of the text to a date certain on January, 18th 2024. there a second? Recording secretary? Would you like to call roll, please. board member Cook. Right? Yes, are. So he would absent on this vote right? A board member LIFT Act. I. Board member share. I. A board member will read. is absent. So vice chair we go. Chair Jones Carter. I. But the record reflect that this item has 4 eyes. >> Absent one ab Sen Haitian. 2 absence. haha. >> We're moving on to the second scheduled item. 8.2 public hearing NorthPoint Commerce Center, major design review.
14. 0, 8, 14, 16, 14, 20 Thunder Bull way. Assessors parcel numbers. 0, 3, 5, dash, 5, Dash, 0, 2, 3, 0, 3, 5, 5, Dash, 0, 2, 4, 0, 3, 5, 5, Dash, 0, 2, phase and 0, 3, 5, 5, Dash, 0, 5, 7, file number Dr. 23 Dash 0, 0, 7, Due to a noticing staff is requesting recommending this item B continue to the date certain January. 4th, 2024. Staff. Is there anything else you would like to There's nothing else to add. Thank you. Chair. If I like to move move the public hearing for Northpoint kept Commerce Center. Major design review 14. 0, 8, 14, 16, 14, 20 thunderbolt way. File number Dr. 23, Dash 0, 0, 7 and waived the reading of tax to a date certain of January.
>> 2024. there a second? I will second that. Recording Secretary. Would you like to call the roll? >> Board member Cook is absent. So board member La I board member Sharon I board member will riches absent vice-chair Waggle. Chair Jones Carter. I. Let the record reflect that. There are 4 eyes and to absent. >> I would say my cooks stand on that Just to correct it because he abstained we've got you covered. Thank you very much for that. >> All right. The meeting meeting at the Design Review Board is now adjourned. Don't leave. Don't leave. All right. I would like to get a photo of all of us. >> Wishing everyone a happy holiday And happy New Year.